Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fun with Phones and Pixie

Way back last fall, the Ivey clan started discussions about merging into a happy, glorious, family phone plan. After much research, copious amounts of email chains, and waiting for this phone and then that phone to "release," we finally had the launch party this past week. My dad ordered the phones through a rep at his work so he could get a fancy corporate discount. This means that all the phones were delivered by Fed Ex and we had to activate them. This is all very new to me as I have been in the stone ages with the same "dumb phone" for the past 3 years and I thought you always had to go into a store, look as if you have no clue what's going on, pay a lot of money, and walk away hoping you know how to answer a call.

Clearly things have changed ...

Before we even got started, mom remembered that she has been meaning to ask me something about her iPod shuffle. Stuart gifted it to her as a birthday present a couple of years ago, but he didn't load any songs on it. Once she realized what it was about a year ago, she gave me some CDs to put on it and I also threw in some songs from my iTunes - mostly rap :) It turns out she is a fan. Anyway, she's been happily listening for months and all of a sudden last week, her songs stopped abruptly. No matter what she did, they wouldn't play. So, her question for me was...

"How do you change the BATTERIES in this tiny thing???"

Apparenly she doesn't listen to the iPod all that much because, I mean, what is the length of a charge on these things?? She amazingly remembered where she put the box it came in, and even more amazingly, hadn't thrown it away. There, all packaged nicely in the bottom, was a charger.

And moving on to her phone ... in addition to an iPhone, mom got a gmail account and iTunes for activation purposes. She was getting a lot of new information and technology in her life in one evening. Richard was doing a mini tutorial for her because he is cool and has already had a iPhone for a couple of years. He got to the part about how she can now listen to music on her phone. Hold on a minute, she had a question...

Mom: "So, when I want to listen to my music, where do I plug my iPod into the phone?"
Richard: "Ok, that is a good question. Also, it's a funny one."
All participants in party: goofy laughter


  1. LOVE this!! haha.. aw, our mom's. i can very much relate. and, i love how i can picture the scenario just as you describe it. so cute. hahahaha!

    i also love that your blog has been revived. :)

    congrats on the new phones, ivey's! ..i'm sure there is many more storytelling about them to come.

  2. That's too funny! My mom has learned all about iPhones and iPods, so now she's moved on to Facebook! :)
