Head to rump length is about the size of a bell pepper, 5 1/2 inches. Weight is about 7 ounces.
Work it pose.
How I'm feeling:
Hungry. So hungry. All the time. I'm bored of eating because I must put so much time and effort into it. When I have trouble finding time for snacks (while trying to keep up with my schedule at work), I become a crazy person known for sassing others. My coworker, Page, decided to be my snack police. She makes me sit down for a few bites here and there even if it means patients have to wait :)
What I'm eating:
Everything in sight except Italian & Mexican. Lots of peanut butter, fruits & veggies, and drinking a lot of ice water. Also, I still crave Dr. Pepper every couple of days.
Weight: +9 1/2 lbs.
The highlight of this week is that there hasn't been much going on. I have had some quality couch time, which I'm trying to embrace while I'm feeling good and don't yet have an infant to care for. I have also spent the whole weekend cleaning and organizing the house. Things are about to pick up with both of my brothers getting married in the next few weeks and all the festivities surrounding the weddings. It's just a couple of days until the big ultrasound! I have heard from a few friends that time flies between finding out the gender and feeling the first big kicks/movements until the actual delivery. I think the rest of this pregnancy is going to feel like a time warp.
Deep Thoughts: While sitting on the couch this week, David asked me if I was 15 weeks pregnant. Hmmm, I guess he feels like time is standing still.
david is such a whitener...bless his heart...and yours! ;) thanks for the updates! glad you're doing well!