It has happened. I am officially a blog slacker. I was called out on my facebook page. And this brings to mind the fact that I am also a facebook slacker. When I first joined facebook I was one of the 10 members above the age of 22. Way back then you had to have a collegiate email address in order to join the community. I resisted for a very short period of time, but it wasn't long before I took the plunge. You see, I was a very old and distinguished grad school student living in the trailer with my undergraduate brother. In those days, when I asked people to be my online friends, they paused, squinted, and then realized that I gave them a ride somewhere when they were 13. I was "Richard's sister," a terrible title when you're the older sibling. There was another common occurrence around this time whenever I was playing on the computer and my mom was around. She would casually ask, "Are you looking at your myface???" Ahh, the glory days.
Now every member of my immediate family is on facebook and I just can't seem to keep up. I go many days without checking all of my favorite websites and I don't even think about removing tags of photos posted with reckless abandon. I have decided that this is mostly due to my inability to access the internet while at work. You heard right ... I am only allowed to use the internet for work related purposes. Sadly, facebook and blogging don't qualify. Even if these privileges were suddenly extended to me, I couldn't budget the time into my 40 hours. My computer time at work is mostly spent programming hearing aids with the occasional report editing. This is exciting stuff.
I have heard many wise people say that you can always make time for that which is important to you. So this I say to all five of my readers (and especially the unnamed reader who cares enough about this blog to call me out on facebook), It's good to be back!!!!